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How to Run Your Salon on Autopilot and Generate More Revenue

August 8, 2022

The customer experience begins before your client even steps through the door. Think about what happens at your salon when any of the following scenarios occur:

  • Someone calls, but your front-desk staff is assisting other customers
  • Someone calls, but your front-desk staff is taking another call
  • Someone calls, but it is after hours

In most cases, customers hang up. Some customers may leave a message and wait for someone to get back to them. However, the more time passes, the more their interest wanes. We understand how busy a salon can be and that not everyone can always respond immediately, but 32.3% of consumers believe their calls should be met with no hold time, and 85% of missed calls result in customers never calling back. Wait too long to answer or follow up, and customers get frustrated and turn to your competitors instead.

Today, customers communicate across multiple channels, from calling and text messaging to utilizing Chatbots and social media messaging. It is way too easy to forget to check each of these channels constantly to make sure you are not missing an opportunity to book an appointment.

TrueLark’s beauty salon software can help you run your salon on autopilot, allowing you to generate more revenue. When someone contacts your salon, TrueLark can instantly text your customers answers to their questions and book their appointments using a friendly AI virtual assistant. No matter which channel clients choose to communicate with your salon or the time of day they decide to reach out, they will get immediate assistance. TrueLark’s virtual assistant can even discuss specials or suggest upsells. This allows your customers to experience the same interactions they would with your experienced staff.

Customer Service Trends

Since the global pandemic, expectations around communication have shifted. There has been a significant shift involving consumers, in particular, who are now primarily using online channels to communicate with businesses. Where there once may have been a stigma around chatting with a virtual assistant, consumers of today are more comfortable engaging with virtual assistants than ever before. For many consumers, the speed of response that accompanies interacting with a virtual assistant is often preferred over waiting to connect with an actual person.

Customers are also increasingly using multiple channels to book services, making it a challenge for salons to manage all of the ways people can contact them. TrueLark integrates with your existing salon management software and can handle 82% of customer queries, including booking, canceling, and rescheduling appointments, regardless of which channel customers use to contact you.

The more services you can automate, the more time you can spend on other areas of your business. TrueLark can run your salon booking on autopilot so you can grow your revenue. Additionally, clients routinely experience an ROI of 20:1.

Automated and Instant Responses

Salons often struggle with responding promptly to voicemails and text messages. When a customer leaves a voice mail, front-desk staff have to not only remember to check for the message but also find the time to call the customer back. If the customer does not answer, the front-desk staff is stuck leaving a message in hopes of catching the customer if they decide to call back. This can quickly turn into a time-consuming and frustrating loop.

Similarly, responding to text messages proactively can prove difficult for front-desk staff who are busy serving clients. This can become rather frustrating for the customer who may be expecting a more immediate response.

TrueLark’s beauty salon software eliminates these frustrations by handling the client interaction for you as soon as the customer contacts your salon. If your clients do not respond to your outreach, TrueLark can automatically send timed follow-up messages to encourage them to complete their bookings.

Beyond Online Booking

Four out of five customers choose to handle their appointments over the phone, in person, or by sending direct messages through various communication channels. Even if you do offer online booking, your current setup may not allow you to answer client questions or accommodate complex bookings, multiple bookings, appointment cancelations, or rescheduling. This can easily cause you to lose thousands of dollars in revenue monthly.

TrueLark’s user-friendly AI customer support tool generates more bookings by interacting with customers and suggesting personalized recommendations, discussing additional services, and recommending add-ons, all of which increase your revenue potential.

If you already have an online booking platform or scheduling software in place, TrueLark integrates seamlessly with the most popular platforms and can synch with your schedule in real time.

Automate Marketing

TrueLark’s AI technology enables customers to engage in conversational interactions that can help you attract new clients and retain existing ones. Additionally, TrueLark’s beauty salon software can send out promotional messages and upsell services directly to clients that have opted in. This allows you to keep your brand in front of customers and encourage them to book appointments.

Running Your Salon on Autopilot

Don’t lose a potential customer due to delayed response times. With direct integration to your advertising platform, automated follow-up texting, and smart AI to answer prospective customers’ questions, TrueLark’s salon software can ensure you never miss a call, text, chat, or lead submission.

Book a demo to find out how TrueLark can help keep your leads engaged while you focus on serving your customers.  


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