

Modernize scheduling and patient support

Beauty & Wellness

Never miss a call, text, chat, or lead submission


Automate sales, scheduling and member communications



AI-led Scheduling

Intelligent technology with human-led conversations

Reports & Insights

The communication metrics you need to grow your business.

Marketing Automation

Reduce redundant tasks that take you away from what matters most.

Omnichannel Customer Service

Manage communications across multiple channels

Multi-Location Support

Grow your customer base with automated marketing tools



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Customer Stories

How TrueLark brings peace of mind to local business owners

Our Story

Why choose TrueLark?

We are the only full-service AI provider in the market. What do we mean by full-service Al? It means we design, implement, monitor, and continuously improve our services for your business.

Complete automation

TrueLark answers 100% of missed calls and can fully handle 80%+ without staff involvement.

TrueLark rapid onboarding

Rapid onboarding and support

Our AI solution is quick to deploy, provides immediate ROI, and is supported by a dedicated team of AI experts.

Continous AI learning

If the chatbot gets stuck, a TrueLark AI trainer will fill the knowledge gap so it can resolve the issue going forward.

Deep integration

Works seamlessly with the widest range of customer service models including with/without call center, multi-staff and multi-location.

How does TrueLark compare?

Our success stories

Beauty & Wellness


Calls fully handled by AI


Conversations per month


Revenue booked per month

“TrueLark is our catch-all when we can’t get to the phone in time, and it’s been a really big savior for us.”



Conversation handle rate


Annual increase in EBITDA (est.)


Conversations per month per location

With the TrueLark, there is a missed appointment rate less than 30%. With online scheduling, the missed appointment rate is between 30% and 40%. Anything less than 30% is a game changer.

Beauty & Wellness


Avg. conversion rate


Avg. monthly submissions


Avg. campaigns per month

“Before TrueLark, we used spreadsheets to track leads. With Lead Engage, having the text go out immediately and tracking the lead all the way through to booking without staff having to think about it has been beneficial to all of our Restore clients.”

Beauty & Wellness


Average new clients/month


Conversation handle rate


Additional revenue/month

“With TrueLark, clients can have undivided attention whether they’re in the salon or outside the salon, and for the clients that are not in the salon, TrueLark really helps with that.”

Beauty & Wellness


Clients using Lead Engage


Lead conversion rate

1-2 days

Time to onboard Lead Engage

“Since adopting TrueLark, we have had a lot more referrals and people reaching out to us via word-of-mouth. This is simply because of the results we’re getting for our clients. That means more to us than any new client. We made a really good decision in partnering with TrueLark.”

Beauty & Wellness


Monthly conversations


New bookings


Conversion to repeat clients

“The value of TrueLark is not just the dollars and cents of it, it’s the volume of leads that we have and how we engage with those leads.”