

Modernize scheduling and patient support

Beauty & Wellness

Never miss a call, text, chat, or lead submission

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Automate sales, scheduling and member communications



Workflow icon

AI-led Scheduling

Intelligent technology with human-led conversations

Reports Graph icon

Reports & Insights

The communication metrics you need to grow your business.

Tasks icon.

Marketing Automation

Reduce redundant tasks that take you away from what matters most.

Cycle icon.

Omnichannel Customer Service

Manage communications across multiple channels

Text notification on phone icon.

Multi-Location Support

Grow your business with multi-location scheduling software.


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Latest updates, guides and news

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Navigating DSO Innovation and the future of dentistry

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Books & Webinars

Get insight from our free ebooks and webinars

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Integrate TrueLark with your favorite tools

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Customer Stories

How TrueLark brings peace of mind to local business owners

Our Story

Blo Blow Dry Bar & TrueLark – On-demand Webinar

Take your Blo Blow Dry Bar to the next level. Watch the webinar recording to learn how superstar Jean Camilletti increased her revenue and lowered costs with TrueLark.

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We always keep your personal information safe. You can read more about our privacy policy here

Blo blow dry bar, patient booking client, webinar thumbnail
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We always keep your personal information safe. You can read more about our privacy policy here

Blo blow dry bar, patient booking client, webinar thumbnail