

Modernize scheduling and patient support

Beauty & Wellness

Never miss a call, text, chat, or lead submission

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Automate sales, scheduling and member communications



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AI-led Scheduling

Intelligent technology with human-led conversations

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Reports & Insights

The communication metrics you need to grow your business.

Tasks icon.

Marketing Automation

Reduce redundant tasks that take you away from what matters most.

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Omnichannel Customer Service

Manage communications across multiple channels

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Multi-Location Support

Grow your business with multi-location scheduling software.


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Navigating DSO Innovation and the future of dentistry

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Customer Stories

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 > Outreach

Proactive marketing and communication tool

Outreach is a one-way, proactive marketing, and communication tool that uses SMS text messaging. This feature allows you to send promotional content, business updates, and other one-way messages to opted-in contacts. Outreach supports marketing efforts, client retention, lead generation, and customer communications.

TrueLark AI promotional text

Send Promotions or Notifications

Easily text promotions and notifications to your opted-in contacts with our bulk SMS AI. Send BOGO coupon codes to generate business during slow times, let customers know if you’re closed due to weather. No matter what you need to communicate, Outreach helps you do it quickly and easily.

(Available with Ultimate package)

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Resources to help you get ahead